Theme 4, ONL course individual reflection

All GenAI are AI, but not all AI are GenAI. Why would you want AI in your classroom? In the article (Ouyang, F. & Jiao, P. (2021). Artificial intelligence in education: The three paradigms. Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence, 2, 1-6.) authors propose 3 ways of interaction between learner and AI: AI-directed when AI represent knowledge […]

Reflection on theme 2: ‘Open Learning – Sharing and Openness’.

OER is a great resource from the students’ perspective. However, it often requires extra working hours (sometimes unpaid) and can be challenging to manage from the teachers’ point of view. From the university’s perspective, OER developed by their educators may serve as part of a marketing strategy or help expand awareness of in-house practices. They […]

Online participation and digital literacies, a reflection on topic 1 of the ONL course.

As a part of the topic for the first two weeks during the ONL course, we discussed the idea of being a digital native and what it could mean for us. The workshop facilitators connected this term not necessarily with the personal age, but with the motivation and our need to engage with digital tools, […]

Sustainable Developments /Graduate course ARCH553 /EMU

The course equips participants with ability to assess different scales of development in relation to different context and different concern (Global/Local) of development within the framework of sustainability. Moreover, understanding and assessing ‘Sustainability’ upon different approaches in regarding to different focuses (Urban, Building Technology, Structure/Construction, Education, Environmental Issues, etc.). Students submissions are : ARCH553 2018.10.23 […]