
To take part, participate and/or share: reasons and modes of openess in higher ed.

Picture: Gerd Altmann från Pixabay Considering openess in higher education is tricky. There is so many different ways to go and aspects to consider. Openness may embrace both taking part of open resources, participating in open networks and sharing as an academic and as a learner. But, it is also about our values and howContinue reading “To take part, participate and/or share: reasons and modes of openess in higher ed.”

Online participation and digital literacies: rhizomatic re-mixing and doubts about it

BLOG Topic 1 What kind of online participation do I engage in and in what way? To what extent can I consider myself as digital literate, if at all? What kind of specific skills and attitudes do these digital activities requires? How can I become more digital literate, and finally, how can I as anContinue reading “Online participation and digital literacies: rhizomatic re-mixing and doubts about it”


We are connected. We have had our first webinar and also meetings with the PBL-group. To get started required some effort in order to orientate on the course web-site, set the blog and get a grip on what the PBL-group should do and who we are. But now it feels like I’ve started and thingsContinue reading “Connected”


The reason why I am taking this course is to sharpen my pedagogical skills during a pandemic period in which we are ‘forced’ to online teaching. The ONL is very promising in that regard....


The reason why I am taking this course is to sharpen my pedagogical skills during a pandemic period in which we are ‘forced’ to online teaching. The ONL is very promising in that regard....