Topic 3: Learning in communities – networked collaborative learning

Collaborative work can be a daunting task if not all the participants are working coherently towards a common goal. Talking to my peers it has become evident that group assignments often fail to engage participants equally. Since this is a reflection blog, I take the freedom to share some of my own experiences. In retrospect,Continue reading “Topic 3: Learning in communities – networked collaborative learning”

First post on blogging expectations and some frustrations

Hello! So, finally publishing my first blogpost. Honestly I would most likely not have ventured into blogging without this encouragement. It was a bit tricky I think to get up and going with this platform since I never have tried blogging before. To my anecdotal understanding blogging while having a long history on the web … Fortsätt läsa First post on blogging expectations and some frustrations


Reflection on Topic 1 – Online participation and digital literacies

The Topic 1 of the Open Networked Learning (ONL) course 211 found me somewhat puzzled, and especially so for the second part of the topic. By now we are all familiar with online meetings, but I came to learn that online participation can mean much more than joining a Microsoft Teams or Zoom meeting. IContinue reading “Reflection on Topic 1 – Online participation and digital literacies”

cute baby donkey

Starting the ONL211 course

Hello World! This is my first blog post during the ONL211 course. To start with, everything seems a bit chaotic but exciting at the same time. Looking forward to a great course and networking with peers inside Stockholm University and the entire ONL211 community!