It feels very inspiring to be up and going with this course. As an open learner it was more or less a coincidence that I discovered this opportunity. So I did not really knew what to expect initially but now I think I have a better overiew of the course and what to expect. It was mainly the topcis I found interesting but also of course the opprtunity to meet people and exchange ideas with people of different experiences around the world. So far I have found the forms and activities very stimulating and rewarding indeed. Especially the group meetings and discussions have been enligthing I think. The first topic of course invites to discussions from many different angles. I found the presentations by David White and the following discussions very interesting. It gave a more nuanced and I think pragmatical view of the buzzword ”digital native” and ”digital immigrant”, the latter a concept I do not think I previously have come acrossed. The ”visitor” and ”resident” continuum in the digital realm also I think gave som good food for thought. It provides a pretty useful tool for reflexion as well as evaluation I guess and fitted well with the relatable scenarion we were to discuss. With my background as a librarian in information and library science the concept of ”information literacy” is well known. So it felt natural to take on that concept for our first group presentation. ”Information literacy” as it is a quite broad concept has a lot of definitions and interpretations. Sometimes it is related mainly to information seeking and a particular set of ”skills” but it not seldom it has been given more broader interprentations relating to information behaviour and use which we aimed to highlight in the presentation. For this presentation we used Thinglink on suggestion by Christian which I did not know of but found well suited for the task and probably will use in some other context. We have aimed at using different digital tools for the presentations and I have already learned of quite few I did not know about so I am expecting to be well sutied with alternatives after this course. That is all for now I think.

Topic 1: Online participation & digital literacies