Let me start by saying that I am far from anything that the term “digital native” would encapsulate. Yet, rather than the dichotomy of those born with tech vs those who engaged with it later, today’s ONL webinar made it clear that we confuse ownership (of various gadgets) with the capability to use them. On the other hand, many digital natives may be tech savvy in terms of using the tech, but could they really code, or repair it?
We were thus rather introduced to a handy 2×2 (aren’t all handy analysis matrices 2x2s?) that put our usage of various platforms into perspective, focusing on the motivation to engage with the tech; with dimensions between visitor and resident; vs personal and institutional use. Funnily enough, each one of us may use the very same platform differently, i.e. the matrix is personal use-, not platform-dependent. Shout-out to my colleagues in marketing who keep on talking about “value-in-use”
The mapping exercise was kind of fun. Admittedly, I had just done something very similar in my SCM course two weeks ago, asking students to draw their supply chain in a (hold it!) “supply chain mapping” session. Some tips for those of you doing similar things on Teams:
– Make sure students are not just on their phones but have an actual laptop / PC to work with; if nobody in a group does, they won’t be able to initiate a call in the breakout channel, not to speak of the whiteboard.
– There are lots of apps linked to Teams, of course, but using the institutionally supported ones will mean your students can actually use what you suggest.
I couldn’t agree more with David White (whose blog I still need to check out further) on the note that just by seeing everyone doing something on the whiteboard, it gives learners as well as facilitators a shared sense of presence, and of doing things together.
Thanks to my PBL group’s first task leaders, I finally also learned how to record something on Teams without it being a teaching session