“Access to education – should mean access to a rich learning environments that provides opportunity for interaction and connectedness” (Brindley, Walti & Blaschke, 2009). I think this quote stands strong, as the concept of social learning comes into play, creating collaborate environments. Grouping and engaging with others creates a connection of learning and experiences, and helps individuals with “critical thinking, self-reflection and co-construction of knowledge” (Brindley, Walti & Blaschke, 2009). However, in order to achieve this students should be motivated and simulated into the learning experience (Garrison, 2006). Many can become frustrated in learning within communities, and to over some challenges, understanding the social learning environments and creating effective collaborate processes are key. As Kay O (2019) states, shared goals and mutual accountability is important, which filters from setting clear group roles, like that of preparing students to be part of a team, understanding expectations, minimizing free-riders, and allowing students to evaluate their own participation and progress.
Collaborate tools can assist with minimizing some frustration. Collaborate tools have provided many beneficial opportunities for learning and teaching, like that of proactive learning, interactivity and engagement, communication, learning and participation and building networks. These benefits can be discussed with students. Tools like Kahoot and Blackboard and other learning management systems provide large platforms for connectedness and learning. My experience with these collaborate tools have been pleasant and have provided creative ways for knowledge construction and sharing. Although there maybe at times challenges and technological constraints, collaboration allows for more diversity, creativeness and exploration due to the various facets that individuals bring with them.
PLNs Theory and Practice by Kay Oddone, part 1.
Brindley, J., Blaschke, L. M. & Walti, C. (2009). Creating effective collaborative learning groups in an online environment. The International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, 10(3).
Garrison, D. (2006). Online collaboration principles. Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks. DOI: 10. 10.24059/olj.v10i1.1768.