Open learning has emerged from the era of the 1970’s which provided for the transformation of sharing and acquiring knowledge and skills (Wikipedia, 2019). This change has brought with it, different ways of sharing information and technology has expanded this exercise extensively (Wiley, 2010). It can be said that open learning caters for diverse learning needs, and can be relatively popular with the tech generation. As open learning utilizes technological platforms like those of Web2.0 tools, this provides for an ease of information access and can become favorable environments for students as they are familiar with the internet (Watson, 2014).
At my institution, the learning management system, blackboard is used. Although there are licence and permissions required, blackboard creates a “centralized secure environment” for sharing information and also it can generate statistical analysis of the learning activity (Weller & Anderson, 2013). A good flow of information is also created between student and teacher, as there is the give and take.Wiley (2010) says that this sharing reduces the “mine” concept and a relationship built on knowledge creation is present. However to extract the most benefit from social learning and learning tools, a blended approach is applied. As Watson (2014) alluded the blend approach provides much benefit to learning.
ONL as an MOOC is an excellent space to learn, network, collaborate and share knowledge and experiences globally. The flow and sharing of learning is creative and diverse, which I enjoy. It allows for the 4R’s that Wiley (2010) speaks of, which are “reuse, redistribute, revise and remix”. With this learners of such MOOC’s can gather all the benefits of open learning and much more.
Watson, K. (2014) Learning management system or the open web?, Learning to teach online UNSW.
Wiley, D (2010) Open education and the future, TED-talk
Weller, M., & Anderson, T. (2013). Digital resilience in higher education. European Journal of Open, Distance and E-Learning, 16(1), 53.
Wikipedia, (2019) Open learning