
The topic for this phase in the online course Open Networked Learning we talked about how we share different types of learning material. I had previously a bad experience from this (you can see my flipgrid reflection about it here). One of the things that were quite obvious is that I share a lot of information within the university but not that much outside of the university.

It’s important to focus not only if we share content but also to whom we share!

Because sometimes we want to have some control over the content we create, similar to what is described in the video by Watson(2014), there is, of course, pros and cons using this approach.
Here is an example of how I have used Canvas within the university to share information about the DEPICT lab that I am responsible for and also general topics. One of the topics is actually about referencing, plagiarism and sharing.

Shared content within LTU.

In research it’s a huge trend on sharing different types of research dataset or publishing in open access archives such as arXiv.org in my area it is quite complex because much of the data is often connected to human participants and it can be difficult to share in a meaningful way if you anonymize data (interviews, video recordings, emotion coding, EEG etc). But I believe that this trend will continue and that we also have to teach this to our students so I have implemented part of this in several of my courses, where I force the students to share knowledge with others.

In a product visualisation course, the students have to create a video explaining a certain procedure. The video is designed with a certain structure so all videos produced feels similar. The advantage is that the videos are available as instruction videos to the students the upcoming year. This approach also conforms with the paradigm of teaching others, as an example Sousa (2016) states that the retention time after 24 hours is 5% for lectures, 50% for group discussion, 75% exercise and 90% by teaching others.

So when adapting my courses to distance learning I was creating some quite general resources in Canvas so I thought why not share them with the world. So if you use Canvas and need instructions to students how to use zoom feel free to use it (CC BY 4.0).

I also want to thank Robert Svensson, senior lecturer at LTU for the very nice instructions videos on how to use zoom, you can find them on Youtube here.


  • Watson, K. (2014) Learning management system or the open web?, Learning to teach online UNSW.
  • D. A. Sousa, How the brain learns, Corwin Press, 2016.
Sharing and openness in learning