
Started one of my courses today – Product visualization. A course where students learn to use visualization to communicate complex information. Before COVID-19 and when the lecture was on campus the first lecture was basically presenting the structure of the course, assignments, lecture structure etc.

I normally brought with me artefacts from previous years like posters, workbooks etc. And during the lecture, we had a poster session where we presented previous years posters, divided into small teams and reviewed was good and what could be improved.

Physical poster session last year

This year this was a bit different. All student was joining trough zoom and I had created a normal presentation first and then after a while, I sent a link to a shared whiteboard where I had pasted some posters form previous years. The student could browse the posters for a while before we divided the class into 8 smaller teams (using breakout rooms in zoom) were they in small teams discussed and reviewed the posters against the purpose, goal and expectations of the assignment

20 persons interacting in the virtual poster exhibition.


I think it worked fairly well, I did a quick feedback session and some of the feedback was:

I like… I wish…
  • Great success
  • Structured = Good
  • The lesson worked without a problem
  • I like this kind of lesson, feels more productive than a normal lesson
  • It worked well and I like the interactive exercise
  • I like seeing other peoples work
  • That we still keep the lecture interactive
  • That the sound was better
  • I wish that it would be more interaction like som Menti
  • Maybe do the practical stuff in the course when all of this is over, for those who want
  • I wish it was in VR so we could see and interact with each other better
  • More people used cam 

I think that it was interesting that one student even thought that the lecture felt more productive than a normal lecture. And I think that depends highly on what you do in your normal lectures. But if you compare it with a normal one-way presentation with no interaction I agree.

Virtual poster exhibition