At this point we hope you feel well-settled with the ONL learning environment and that you have found a good structure for your studies and PBL group work. It seems that the previous topic on Learning in communities was inspiring and engaged you in good discussions and reflection on collaborative and networked learning.

Please don’t forget to look at presentations from the PBL groups shared in the ONL242 community space under PBL group work submissions  and comment on what the other groups have created using different tools!

In topic 4, Design for online and blended learning, we shift our focus from participation in a learning environment, to the perspective of the educator in designing for learning. You will have the opportunity to explore aspects of Learning Design as well as different design frameworks like Community of Inquiry (CoI), to learn about important pedagogical aspects in creating a good online and blended learning experience for your students.

The webinars will be about using AI and learning design – look out for more information!

At this point, we would also like to encourage you all to read some of your fellow participants Individual reflections that you haven’t looked at before, and also to comment on them!

We wish you two great weeks!

The ONL team

Welcome to topic 4 – Design for online and blended learning

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