I got interested in EduTech for the first time, I think it was in 2014 when I was about to go on parental leave, and the Adult Education school I was working for had just acquired the learning platform ITs Learning. I thought that it was something i could play with while I was on parenmtal leave, so i could learn all about it and then start using it when I went back to work.

And that’s what happened. As a result of my ITs Learning knowledge (and possibly my pedagogical skills!) I became a ‘lead teacher’ (förstelärare) in EduTech at the Adult Ed institution, which mainly involved creating templates for, and supporting & training teachers in the use of ITs Learning.

That was my last teaching job. I left and became a project leader for the implementation of Stockholm council’s Skolplattformen within Adult Education.

That was my last teaching job. I left and became a project leader for the implementation of Stockholm council’s Skolplattformen within Adult Education. Skolplattformen is Stockholm council’s tailor-made digital platform for all it’s schools encmpassing both administrative and pedagogical tools. You can read about it here: https://start.stockholm/forskola-skola/skolplattformen/. I would say that in my time as a project leader that I learnt that having a digital tool that is not suitably equipped for the target group (i.e. Adult Education), combined with a target group that is unwilling to use it, leads to an unsuccessful project!

Now I’m working in Higher Education, at Stockholm University in the Child and Youth Studies department (https://www.buv.su.se/). One of my roles is to support teachers and other staff in EduTech issues. In reality this means providing workshops, guides and support for tools such as ITs Learning, Zoom, Kaltura and audio-visual equipment.

About Me