Times have largely changed. I remember the very first time I used a computer and the internet, exciting and scary, exploring a “new” world. Going into the unknown almost. Oh but how experiences change. Now the use of technology and the world wide web has become a large and normal part of life, and at times relied on. If I have to make a distinction from the David White’s videos (Visitors and residents – Part 1, 2014 and Visitors and residents – credibility – Part 2, 2014), in some areas I can define myself as a resident, using communication tools, at large that is. Whereas in some spaces I could say I’m a visitor, that’s when I’m searching for information, or “how to do things”, which you-tube videos help a lot” It’s “fast results and convenient” (White, 2014). However this separation is getting blurred as many tools that are made use of are interlinked. Therefore at times it becomes difficult to make a division of my residence and visitor digital footprints.

All things online…