Dear ONL211, this is my last blog. Such a joyful journey I have had together with the group Strange Crochet. We have been a diverse group, facing the challenges of the course in a very innovative way. Through the images and metaphors, we have used there is a possibility that we will remember the learning
Learning in communities
The topic of this blog deals with issues that are dear to me. I have been involved in course development at the university for several years. When reading the blog of one of my fellow course (ONL211) member Michail Galanakis, I stopped and reflect. He states that collaborative learning and democracy fits together and then
Artful Leadership and Sustainable Co-Creation
Invite your future highest potential.
Just now I am in a process of launching this new website Sångshyttan Art. One part of what I want to offer is online courses in sustainable leadership connected to food. To do this I need to learn more about how to offer both digital and on-site courses. How do I reach out to prospective
Digital literacy
It is kind of strange sitting here at my farm, in a rural part of Sweden with the digital world in a comfortable reach. In the small village where I live, we decided to get a common internet, which created unimaginable opportunities in today’s remote world. Here I am, in contact with different people, in
Connecting to a new group
In this course I am a student myself, an important reminder for me as a teacher. What it’s like to be the recipient on the other side. I’m used to work in a virtual environment, I feel safe with the medium, as an artist I’m also used to a the notion that the road being
The empty chair
In the meadow, along the path down to the lake, a chair is waiting, it invites us to rest our tired legs, quietly listening to the grasshopper or to a moment of silence and reflection. Today it can stand as a symbol for my experience of starting a new course. The empty chair is waiting
The empty chair
In the meadow, along the path down to the lake, a chair is waiting, it invites us to rest our tired legs, quietly listening to the grasshopper or to a moment of silence and reflection. Today it can stand as a symbol for my experience of starting a new course. The empty chair is waiting
Welcome to freedom 10 week online
How to cope as a pensioner?