DigitiZAtion of a nation

So I asked on my Facebook what I could write about for today’s blog with the theme of education in the new era. Ironically, the only response was the lack ICT in South African public schools. Abbreviated for Information, and Communication Technology, i…

It all started in a dream

“Every day I live to dream, but in every dream, I dream of living.”Shortened to: Live to dream. Dream to live. As it is inscribed on the unders of my arms.I came up with this quote many a year ago, inspired by James Dean’s “Live as though you’ll die to…

What lies ahead

I decided to take the scenic route to the shoot today, it was pretty. Like that kind of pretty where you almost drive off the road staring it’s so pretty. Maybe it was just different, somewhere I hadn’t been before. My brain was excited, it searched fo…


someone once said….

Someone once said “WRITE!” when I asked what I should do on a post one day… That was years ago, yet it stuck with me. Inside something shouted, it wanted to come out, it wanted touch the light and breathe fresh air. It sat there at the b…