It is amazing how fast time flies. It does not feel like a long ago when I first started this ONL course. I have to say that I felt frustrated and really stressed out when I realized that the platform was completely different from my previous experiences. That combined with everything that was going onContinue reading “One chapter is closing and another one is awaiting”
Online teaching and creating a space for learning
The possibilities for designing for online teaching has exploded the last ten years. When I think back to my first taught online course in 2012 the difference in the possibilities is enormous. I still think there is a lot we lose in the non-verbal clues in online setting as communication is complex. There dialogue between the teacher and theContinue reading “Online teaching and creating a space for learning”
Online collaborative learning – exciting times
The importance of collaboration is empathized and talked much about in today´s university world. I hear it in all sorts of settings, from our own vice chancellor to the Swedish Higher Education Authority. With digitalization, and especially during the Covid 19, collaboration has truly entered the online teaching as well. With Covid 19 I also thinkContinue reading “Online collaborative learning – exciting times”
Sharing and Openness in education – some thoughts
With new media and technology, the possibility to increase our capacity as educators to be open and generous about the knowledge has never been bigger. Openness has so far often referred to sharing teaching material like textbook, courseware offline. However, with the technology at use today we can more effectively reuse, redistribute, revise and remixContinue reading “Sharing and Openness in education – some thoughts”
Digital literacy and creativeness in a crazy world
What I have witnessing right now while taking this course is a digital explosion in the Higher Education. From being used by online teaching lecturers, the closing down of Universities around the world has forced everyone into the digital tools and rooms. More and more are are forced to climb a very steep learning curve in a short period of time to accommodateContinue reading “Digital literacy and creativeness in a crazy world”
Connecting digitally
This first week of the ONL course has been a great introduction to both PBL and digital literacy. I am used to working with a lot of digital tools like Zoom, Google Docs, Sheets etc. and also Padlet. What was new for me is to create a blog. It took me a while to getContinue reading “Connecting digitally”