Reflect on how you can provide support, facilitation and scaffolding for students in online and blended learning environments.

During the past two weeks of topic 4 (Design for online and blended learning) it is evident that Online learning is something that each and every institution will have to adapt soon or later. For Teachers/Lecturers this can be a demanding task to implement in their teaching and learning pedagogy. I think my PBL Group … Continue reading Reflect on how you can provide support, facilitation and scaffolding for students in online and blended learning environments.

Reflect on how you can provide support, facilitation and scaffolding for students in online and blended learning environments.

During the past two weeks of topic 4 (Design for online and blended learning) it is evident that Online learning is something that each and every institution will have to adapt soon or later. For Teachers/Lecturers this can be a demanding task to implement in their teaching and learning pedagogy. I think my PBL Group … Continue reading Reflect on how you can provide support, facilitation and scaffolding for students in online and blended learning environments.

Topic 3: When real life collaborative learning took place.

In the past 2 weeks of trying to unpack the topic of Online Collaborative learning in our communities, it became evident that there is a distinct difference between cooperative and collaborative learning. According to Laal et al (2012) some of the difference between cooperative and collaborative learning is that the teacher involvement and guiding is … Continue reading Topic 3: When real life collaborative learning took place.

Topic 3: When real life collaborative learning took place.

In the past 2 weeks of trying to unpack the topic of Online Collaborative learning in our communities, it became evident that there is a distinct difference between cooperative and collaborative learning. According to Laal et al (2012) some of the difference between cooperative and collaborative learning is that the teacher involvement and guiding is … Continue reading Topic 3: When real life collaborative learning took place.