
Design for online and blended learning – a challenge and a chance

The forth topic in the ONL202 course, “Design for online and blended learning” has probably been the most comprehensive topic in the whole course and it kind of connects all other topics. It has been a challenge, mainly because I could not dedicate as much time as I had wished for reading and thinking duringContinue reading “Design for online and blended learning – a challenge and a chance”


Networked Collaborative Learning – an intriguing journey

“Learning in communities – networked collaborative learning”, topic 3 in the ONL course this autumn has been intriguing. Intriguing because of possibilities, the massive amount of literature and studies that have been produced and because this knowledge has been there for DEACADES: I wonder why there have not been more collaborative learning events in theContinue reading “Networked Collaborative Learning – an intriguing journey”