
Connecting Week ONL192

We have started connecting with our PBL groups this week on the ONL192 course and I am very excited about the learning I will embark on this week with the group. Immediately, what has surprised me, is how well connected everything is… every little app, every discussion, every thinking point is so well thought out […]


Connecting Week ONL192

We have started connecting with our PBL groups this week on the ONL192 course and I am very excited about the learning I will embark on this week with the group. Immediately, what has surprised me, is how well connected everything is… every little app, every discussion, every thinking point is so well thought out […]

Getting Started on ONL192

This week, we have been introduced to the ONL192 community and the platform that we will be making use of. I am incredibly excited to start this journey and I am looking forward to learning more about the field and how I can improve my practice and methodologies. I am fortunate enough to have three […]

Getting Started on ONL192

This week, we have been introduced to the ONL192 community and the platform that we will be making use of. I am incredibly excited to start this journey and I am looking forward to learning more about the field and how I can improve my practice and methodologies. I am fortunate enough to have three […]

Welcome to my blog!

Kelly Maroon Biography Kelly Maroon is an intersectional educator, writer and artist. Currently a Master of Education candidate at the University of Cape Town, Kelly is involved in higher education institutional management and holds the position of Academic Head for creative media and arts school, CityVarsity Cape Town. She has participated in multiple educational research […]

Welcome to my blog!

Kelly Maroon Biography Kelly Maroon is an intersectional educator, writer and artist. Currently a Master of Education candidate at the University of Cape Town, Kelly is involved in higher education institutional management and holds the position of Academic Head for creative media and arts school, CityVarsity Cape Town. She has participated in multiple educational research […]