Kelly Maroon Biography
Kelly Maroon is an intersectional educator, writer and artist. Currently a Master of Education candidate at the University of Cape Town, Kelly is involved in higher education institutional management and holds the position of Academic Head for creative media and arts school, CityVarsity Cape Town. She has participated in multiple educational research forums, projects and colloquiums and has a vested interest in radical transformation through the utilisation of a critical pedagogic praxis. Informed strongly by the ethos of education as change, Kelly focuses her practice on developing systems of support, development and enhancement that improve learning ecosystems and educator methodologies that are self-reflective and communal reflexive. Her Masters dissertation and research practice strongly considers the relationship between “what we teach” and “how we teach it” in order to better understand the hidden discursive identities that prevail in educational material and learning design. Her pedagogic goals are to assist people in identifying these often-invisible barriers, in order to improve the life-long impact of the learning experiences students and adults engage in.
Kelly is well versed in the higher education sector as well as the non- and informal adult education sector and has worked as a facilitator for the Ruth Prowse School of Art Outreach Programme and as a co-ordinator for Young in Prison South Africa (YiPSA). She has been an affiliate contributor for Inyabula (NPO) and is in the process of fostering a collaboration with the Journal of African Youth Literature (JAYL). Outside of her iron-strong dedication to education, Kelly spends time as an independent reviewer for the international academic journal, the Journal for Artistic Research and produces artistic artefacts for local exhibitions which range from sound productions to fine art bodies of work. Kelly has also recently shifted her affinity for writing into the domain of prose and short fiction, with a series of poetic anthologies in the final stages of publication through Wide Eyes Publishing.