Welcome to topic 4 – Design for online and blended learning We hope that you all at this point of time in the course feel well-settled with the ONL learning environment and that you have found a good structure for your studies and PBL group work. It seems that the previous topic on Learning in […]
Welcome to topic 4 – Design for online and blended learning
Welcome to topic 4 – Design for online and blended learning We hope that you all at this point of time in the course feel well-settled with the ONL learning environment and that you have found a good structure for your studies and PBL group work. It seems that the previous topic on Learning in […]
Welcome to topic 4 – Design for online and blended learning
Welcome to topic 4 – Design for online and blended learning We hope that you all at this point of time in the course feel well-settled with the ONL learning environment and that you have found a good structure for your studies and PBL group work. It seems that the previous topic on Learning in […]
Welcome to topic 4 – Design for online and blended learning
Welcome to topic 4 – Design for online and blended learning We hope that you all at this point of time in the course feel well-settled with the ONL learning environment and that you have found a good structure for your studies and PBL group work. It seems that the previous topic on Learning in […]
Welcome to topic 4 – Design for online and blended learning
Welcome to topic 4 – Design for online and blended learning We hope that you all at this point of time in the course feel quite well-settled with the ONL learning environment and that you have found a good structure for your studies and PBL group work. It seems that the previous topic on Learning […]
Welcome to topic 4 – Design for online and blended learning
Welcome to topic 4 – Design for online and blended learning We hope that you all at this point of time in the course feel quite well-settled with the ONL learning environment and that you have found a good structure for your studies and PBL group work. It seems that the previous topic on Learning […]
Welcome to topic 4 – Design for online and blended learning
Welcome to topic 4 – Design for online and blended learning We hope that you all at this point of time in the course feel quite well-settled with the ONL learning environment and that you have found a good structure for your studies and PBL group work. It seems that the previous topic on Learning […]
ONL202 Topic 3: Learning in communities – networked collaborative learning
Dear colleagues, After a reflection week it is now time for Topic 3 – Learning in communities – networked collaborative learning beginning today! We hope that you now are eager to continue with your PBL group collaboration again. We are halfway through the course, we hope you are enjoying it and learn a lot! Topic 3 […]
Getting ready for ONL202 – two weeks to go!!!
We are now preparing for the start of ONL202 on 14 September! Registration is still open, anyone interested to join ONL202 as an open learner can register here on the ONL site https://www.opennetworkedlearning.se/register-for-onl202. If you work at any of the collaborating institutions, you can find a list there with information who to contact! We are looking […]
Thank you all for ONL201, and the adventure continues with ONL202
We want to thank you all; participants, co-facilitators and facilitators for all your engagement, making ONL201 such a great learning journey! We hope you have enjoyed it as much as we have!! We are now looking forward and are planning for the next iteration ONL202 starting in September! Anyone interested to join ONL202 as an […]
Welcome to topic 4 – Design for online and blended learning
Welcome to topic 4 – Design for online and blended learning We hope that you all at this point of time in the course feel quite well-settled with the ONL learning environment and that you have found a good structure for your studies and PBL group work. It seems that the previous topic on Learning […]
Topic 3: Learning in communities – networked collaborative learning
Dear colleagues, After a reflection week and some Easter holidays it is now time for Topic 3 – Learning in communities – networked collaborative learning beginning today! We hope that you now are eager to meet with your PBL group again. We are halfway through the course, we hope you are enjoying it and learn a […]