1. Introducing the use of Digital Literacies

I apprehensively enrolled into ONL 192 course given my immigrant status. After my fourth session the apprehension levels decreased. Reasons being that the facilitators and group members created an environment that is so conducive to teaching and learning. I guess one can attribute that to the professions that we do belong to. Since social mediaContinue reading “1. Introducing the use of Digital Literacies”

3. Restructure-Reculture: Separate or Simultaneous

In keeping with international trends of introducing online collaboration and networked learning, South Africa too has joined the race. For this blog I draw extensively from my research on teacher collaboration conducted for the completion of my Doctoral studies. I believe that the literature is equally relevant to facilitators in higher education. The lesson learntContinue reading “3. Restructure-Reculture: Separate or Simultaneous”

3. Restructure-Reculture: Separate or Simultaneous

In keeping with international trends of introducing online collaboration and networked learning, South Africa too has joined the race. For this blog I draw extensively from my research on teacher collaboration conducted for the completion of my Doctoral studies. I believe that the literature is equally relevant to facilitators in higher education. The lesson learntContinue reading “3. Restructure-Reculture: Separate or Simultaneous”

Week 2

I was bit apprehensive as I missed the first week meeting. However, I watched the recording and I felt better. It was an awesome experience to write on my blog for the first time. the second meeting we were introduced to the topics and had to choose one that we would like to facilitate. I […]

Getting to know Kantha Chetty

I am so excited to have a blog with my name on it. Makes me feel so tech savvy. I have been in the tertiary landscape for the last 30 years, working in public and private education. Currently I am the Dean of Faculty of Humanities at Educor Holdings in South Africa, Durban. It is […]