I have learnt in 12 weeks extensive knowledge and skills through the ONL course. The course expanded my knowledge of what one can access on websites at both surface and deeper levels of interaction. I have also learnt that there are a vast array of social networks available to satisfy most needs.
Thank you so much to my team members in Group 8 – Alan, Lara, Dirk, Eva, Ines, John, Lara and Mehwish. It was great to be a student again and explore a field that I had so little knowledge of before I started this course. At the outset I want to declare that I may not be an expert, but I am miles ahead from where I started.
This was an incredibly informative and meaningful experience for me. It has taught me about the different online tools available. In addition, I thought my collaboration skills were adequate and this course made me understand and experience different aspects which led me to re-examine my knowledge and skills.
I can confidently say that I have moved from being a visitor to a more resident status. There is still a long way before I can call myself a ‘resident’ in the full sense of the word. I was apprehensive at the abundance of technology available to me and felt like I was drowning and might not surface again. But I soon learnt that one needs to wisely choose a tool that is ‘fit for purpose’ at any given time. Each tool has its advantages and disadvantages
I was also fascinated at how private I was at the beginning of the course and have made a progressive shift towards being more open in sharing my thoughts in the online space within certain boundaries off course.
Learning in communities resonated well with me as it was area of research for my doctoral studies. I found it fascinating that no matter where you live (first or third world country) the experiences are similar in most instances. At the same time some challenges are unique to context.
My experience at collaboration with my group members was at most a very pleasant experience. There were tensions, challenges and laughs. Most members participated and contributed in ways that they had the expertise in. Some were good at the technology aspect while others contributed by way of discussions. I did feel that we could have been better prepared for sessions, but life happens, and the course was intense and a short time to complete.
Alan provided literature as it was required but I felt that he could have facilitated and supported us in a more meaningful way by providing more direction. It would have been helpful if Mehwish attended more regularly to support Alan. I think she attended maybe 2 sessions. From my experience in this course it became clear to me that the capacity and role of the facilitator is key to effective collaboration within the group. Overall, I have never learnt as much as I did in this course in such a short period of time. KUDOS to all.