What effect has the learning experience from this course had on your development of personal learning networks and environments? Effects are tremendous!! I entered with ONL in a completely new world. I learnt everything, even though I recognized myself in most of the Topics we worked on during this course. It opened my eyes toPoursuivre la lecture de “Topic 5: Lessons learnt – future practice”
Design for online and blended learning
How emotional presence influence our teaching? According to Martha Cleveland-Innes emotion could be considered the 4th presence in education and learning, in addition to the teaching presence, cognitive presence and social presence. For me, definitely emotion is driving most of our decisions, in life in general and at work as well. We are, however, trainedPoursuivre la lecture de “Design for online and blended learning”
Personal Learning Network
PLN stands for Personal Learning Network, can be also Professional, or Passionate. Not one group or set of people but it is something that is constantly changing, from where you get new ideas. This is not really new, but facilitated by the fact that nowadays we can connect anytime from anyplace. The power of PLNPoursuivre la lecture de “Personal Learning Network”
Openness in Education
I watched the movie on openness and sharing in education. I found this presentation extremely interesting and I recognised myself and others in these questions ! What means a closed/open door ? Who is left outside ? Who should be able to access the higher education learning space ? If I think about the question […]
Digital Literacy: visitor vs resident
Hi everybody! White & Le Cornu presentations make me enter a new world. What is to be a visitor or a resident? I decided to google a bit more about “digital literacy” and I found this very interesting article. You can read more following the link below , but here is what I extracted from […]
My feeling after 3 weeks in the ONL community!!!
Entering the digital world that way is new for me and is still a real challenge. I mainly teach medical school students and PhD students in the lab and I was confused at the beginning: « how to use these tools in my teaching space? » « are they relevant in my work? » « Would that bring something interesting […]
Welcome to my Learning / Sharing blog
Be yourself; Everyone else is already taken. — Oscar Wilde. You want to share, learn, get inspired, please connect to the blog and let’s start sharing!
Hello! This is Marion, I will shortly present myself so you know a bit better who I am!
Hi everybody, let’s start this interesting journey in the connecting (and learning) world. I have everything to learn, and hopefully something to bring to built the community. My name is Marion Korach-André, I am a French active women with a lot of passions. First, I have my lovely husband and my wonderful 4 kids. We […]