First of all I want to share my satisfaction about the ONL sessions in global and especially my PBL group 11 .It was a very unique experience that I lived with members from different countries where we shared thoughts , discussed different contents and subjects , tried new tools and ideas synchronously during zoom meetingsLire la suite “Topic 5: Lessons learnt – future practice”
Topic 4 : Design for online and blended learning
When working with my PBL group , we have started by sharing our experiences during the pandemic period , how our universities dealt with this exceptional case , and we as teachers what practices we opted for to insure pedagogical continuity with students . In my case , we did not teach all subjects onlineLire la suite “Topic 4 : Design for online and blended learning”
Topic 3: Learning in Communities- Networked Collaborative Learning
During our PBL group meetings , we have discussed about collaborative learning in teams and the challenges to succeed together , we have shared experiences and give some tips to have an effective work team . In this Blog I will be sharing my experience of supervising teams of students in the conext of applyingLire la suite “Topic 3: Learning in Communities- Networked Collaborative Learning”
Topic 2 : Open Learning – Sharing and Openness
My Introduction When we talk about openness we can think about many things : open culture , open mind , open source , open boundaries ,open commerce , open education …..this word can be applied in many areas of our life , but has it the same degree in each context ? What are theLire la suite “Topic 2 : Open Learning – Sharing and Openness”