
Designing for learning

The past two weeks we have been exploring the model Community of inquiry. The model is presented in the previous post. A couple of things caught my attention. Cleveland-Innes, M. (2018) presents categories of teacher presence. She says the teacher presence is seen in three dimensions: Design and organization Facilitating discourse Direct instruction This is … Continue reading Designing for learning


How to encourage curious, collaborative learning as a teacher

Collaboration has been on my mind for the past weeks. What is the difference between collaboration and traditional group work? Jane A. Scheuermann (5.2.2018) writes that collaborating learning needs a group, the learners are accountable to each other and the social skills are improved. There is also is culture of sharing and helping. In collaborative … Continue reading How to encourage curious, collaborative learning as a teacher

The Journey Begins

Thanks for joining me!

This blog is a part of my journey through the ONL191 course. Open networked learning and teaching are in focus in this blog.

Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton