
PhD Defense in corona times

Christo, the local audience and the remote audience.One of my PhD students, Christo Dordlofva was to graduate on March 17, with a grading board from three different universities in Sweden and external examiner (opponent) from Texas. But due to restrict…


Global collaboration in early phases

Today I, unfortunately, had to leave the webinar a little early because I had my own course to teach. The course is called creative concept development and it was appropriate that today’s theme was Global Collaboration.Today’s lecture.So I had prepared…



Today we had a startup meeting at Luleå University of Technology. Before this meeting, I was expected to prepare one slide where I should present myself, why I wanted to join the course and my expectations. Creating all this in one slide is quite trick…



PBL vs CDIOI have been working with CDIO implementation (Wikberg Nilsson et al 2017) in the Industrial Design Engineering programme that I am responsible for at Luleå University of Technology, and even that it feels like I am quite familiar with PBL I …


Now its official

Telemarking in a lot of snow.Now I am officially admitted to the course and now preparing for the first start-up meeting in Luleå (Feb 25:th), getting a Twitter account (@PeterTorlind). Also updating this Blog and added a previous experience page, so y…