Topic 5: Reflections and lessons learnedPhoto by Drew Beamer on UnsplashIt is unbelievable that the course ONL202 has already come to an end…Our weekly meetings, twice a week, Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 17.00 to 18.00, now no more…!!!No mor…

A course, a community, an approach
Topic 5: Reflections and lessons learnedPhoto by Drew Beamer on UnsplashIt is unbelievable that the course ONL202 has already come to an end…Our weekly meetings, twice a week, Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 17.00 to 18.00, now no more…!!!No mor…
Reflections on Topic 4: Design for online and blended learning Photo by Joel Filipe on UnsplashOnline and Blended learning…Hybrid learning…Flipped learning, Flipped classrooms !!!! These were some of the new t…
Reflections on Topic 3 : Networked collaborative learningPhoto by mahdis mousavi on UnsplashCollaborative networked learning —-This something that we, educators and learners, are doing these days !! Especially since the Corona pa…
Reflections on Topic 2 – Open learning – Sharing and Openness Photo by Markus Spiske on UnsplashWell, this topic was huge !!! The discussions spanned across various paradigms and perspectives….
Photo by Derek Thomson on UnsplashHello everyone….Soniya Billore here and I will share some of my reflections on being part of the ONL202 course Topic 1: Digital literacies.I must say that this topic opened some new doors for me – not only in t…
Photo by Derek Thomson on UnsplashHello everyone….Soniya Billore here and I will share some of my reflections on being part of the ONL202 course Topic 1: Digital literacies.I must say that this topic opened some new doors for me – not only in t…
Hey there…finally here !!! My name is Soniya Billore and nice to meet you all