Reflections on Topic 3 : Networked collaborative learning
Collaborative networked learning —-This something that we, educators and learners, are doing these days !! Especially since the Corona pandemic has struck the world learning online and collaborating with each other has become the new, most practiced norm—the new normal.
In this topic, the question we posed was ‘How can we integrate collaborative learning in our online courses? ‘– a poignant question educators are asking themselves each day. Today, we teachers are all trying to make our courses as attractive as we can by connecting online teaching with learning content but we also try to connect the learners with each other. Further, there are numerous challenges educators face to ensure that they are able to form an educator -learner relationship. Educators don’t just want to be facilitators of syllabus-based content…. they want to create a bridge that connects them with their students. they want to engage in non-formal conversations, share stories, hear experiences, and also learn from their class. They are humans too!!!
Topic 3 had three new insights for us :
1. The topic itself
2. The 5 stage model by Gilly Salmon on which we based our discussion, and,
3. Google Jamboard on which our group presentation was based.
We modeled our discussion on the House of knowledge model. To do this we drew parallels between the 5 stage model and the different parts of a house.
1. Stage 1: Access and Motivation takes place in the Foyer
2. Stage 2: Online socialization takes place in the Living room, and,
3. Stage 3: Information Exchange happens in different Rooms.
4. Stage 4: Knowledge construction is equated to the technical, analytical, interpretive, and evaluative processes that help to confirm and validate the knowledge constructed from the collaborative networked learning.
Stage 5: Development relies on constructive reflection, evaluation, and critique- an important aspect that all learners and educators should take responsibility for…
Of course, the entire process would have no scope for sustainability unless the evaluations feed into the beginning of the process to make it better. Here we open the discussion to two more factors – KPI’s(Key performance indicators) and SGIF’s (Small group instructional feedbacks). Student feedback, expert feedback, and evaluation systems can help to make the existing processes better and also create new processes for collaborative learning environments.
My ambition is to be able to use the above discussion for pedagogical improvement. I would like to present the above learning to my colleagues and discuss with them how we could implement the knowledge in our programs. The above is a way of creating collaborative networks between an educator and his/her students.
Could we use the same principles to connect educators with each other?
What new aspects will we need to consider for collaborative networked learning among teachers?