Where to go from here?

So the ONL course has ended and I’m still pondering if I should keep this blog alive or not. There are some ideas in my head on where this could go and in which direction to develop. I’ll take another week or two to think about it and then…


When a journey comes to an end

The very last week of my ONL experience has started and I’m trying to find the time to truely reflect on the whole experience. I feel sorry that I don’t have a lot of room in my busy week to go back through the topics, scroll through the literature and find a take home message […]

Course design – to blend or not to blend?

Again, group sessions for this topic included a lot of discussions about terminology. What is blended learning? What is online teaching? Does blending always mean having online and offline courses?However, everybody immediately knew whats’s meant by emergency remote teaching, the term says it all. The sudden switch to online teaching and learning was especially hard […]

Reflection on Online participation and digital literacies

I was really interested in hearing different perspectives of this topic in my PBL group as I have just started to work in a project concerning participation of students and teachers in digital learning environments at university. We realized quickly during our discussions in the group how important it is to define and grasp the […]

Preparing to reflect

I’m still thrilled by our PBL group meeting this morning where we continued to work on our Miro board. We decided to just record our conversation about the board for this week’s group work. I’ll take some time tomorrow to write my reflection as today I’m just jumping from meeting to meeting. But I can […]

Getting the hang of it!

So, work on the first topic has started and I have to say I´m impressed. I had imagined it to be very difficult to work tohether across continents and timezones, but the first meeting went very well. We have decided to work on a miro board and actually had a lot of fun using it […]


Connecting Week

So here we are, the course has started with finding my way around ONL spaces. I´ve also had the opportunity to meet with the members of my PBL group 4. It was great to hear about the others, their interests and the reasons why they chose this course. We have also decided to generate a […]

How to start a blog…

I’m sitting here, thinking about how to start my blog about experiences with online learning and teaching at a German university. I’ve blogged a few times before, however, always in the context of a specific seminar or lecture series.