
The very last week of my ONL experience has started and I’m trying to find the time to truely reflect on the whole experience. I feel sorry that I don’t have a lot of room in my busy week to go back through the topics, scroll through the literature and find a take home message for my own learning and teaching for each of them. I’m also a bit sad and will really miss the weekly PBL group meetings, because even in that short period of time, we’ve somehow grown into a little family. At the moment I think I will keep this blog alive and post about my work on digital teaching at the university and maybe even on my home renovation and my peacocks. ?

In this last ONL post, I will try to summarize what I personally gained from the course experience.

  1. The experience to work very efficiently with people across nationalities, countries and expertises. I would not have believed before how easygoing and fun the PBL group work would be.
  2. A lot of literature and conceptional advice on designing courses and really using digital tools instead of just “having them”.
  3. The community experience. Be it webinars, reading through the blogs, looking at PBL group work or just meeting the facilitators. I really enjoyed the feeling of community when working on a common goal.
  4. New tools, some of which I have already integrated.
  5. To be open to new experiences, be tolerant and keep on learning.

Finally, I would definitely recommend the course experience to anyone involved in teaching. It was challenging at times to fit in all the meetings into an already busy schedule, but definitely worth it!

When a journey comes to an end