It is finally time to reflect on the most important (and memorable) aspects of the ONL course journey. I do feel some sadness to have to say goodbye to my wonderful groupmates across the globe that I have grown to know and understand over the course of 12 weeks, but we are now connected viaContinue reading “Topic 5: Lessons Learnt and Future Practice”
Topic 4: Design for Online and Blended Learning
I found this topic to be highly conceptual and cognitively engaging. Indeed, I would not expect less from having to think about designing online courses as we all know as educators that pedagogical design and syllabus creation have got to be the most arduous and important part of any course teaching. As I reflected onContinue reading “Topic 4: Design for Online and Blended Learning”
Topic 3: Learning in Communities – Networked Collaborative Learning
I had really liked this topic. I particularly enjoyed and learned about the value of networked collaborative learning through the collaborative project that my group members and I had worked on to produce for the topic. Basically, I feel that this two weeks were when I experienced for the first time real collaborative learning withContinue reading “Topic 3: Learning in Communities – Networked Collaborative Learning”
Topic 2: Open Learning – Sharing and Openness
This topic had really provided me the chance to deeply reflect on what it means to go ‘open’ with teaching in my institution. To really understand the extent of openness that I am free to do, I realized that I must first chart out the boundaries that limits this openness. The starting point to chartContinue reading “Topic 2: Open Learning – Sharing and Openness”
Topic 1 – Online Participation and Digital Literacies
And so it begins. We got the ball rolling and started discussing about serious issues that learners might face when beginning with online learning. These issues centred on learners’ ability to use different technologies and their access to such technologies. From a teacher’s perspective, being able to use technologies effectively to promote student learning meansContinue reading “Topic 1 – Online Participation and Digital Literacies”
About myself
I am currently an assistant professor of communications and new media at the National University of Singapore. As a teacher of communications and new media, I am always looking for innovative ways to enhance my teaching and student engagement. Here I am embarked on an exciting journey as a student, unpacking my preconceptions and expectationsContinue reading “About myself”