Topic 3: The Beauty and Challenge of Collaborative Learning and Assessment

Collaborative learning in the forms of think-pair-share, group discussions and longer-term projects have been introduced across different levels of learning, including the higher education (Jin 2012; Flores et al. 2015). In teaching professional and business communication courses, teamwork and collaboration are incorporated in my courses as a way to simulate interaction within workplace work teams. […]


Technology “came” to me

Topic 1: Online participation and digital literacies reflection My most memorable interaction with technology was in primary school. We learnt how to switch on a computer, wiggle the mouse and right click. I was not particularly enthused as lessons were a prerequisite until a friend of mine started showing off her fast typing skills. My […]


Linking Digital Literacies to Bloom´s Taxonomy?

During this first topic I have been intrigued by the Digital literacies development model by Beetham and Sharpe, 2010. After reflecting on my own courses and how the students perceive online education and the different tools and systems that we introduce to students to support teaching and learning activities. I realize that this model might […]


Online participation and digital literacies

I have been teaching online for some years now, so the change that we have seen during the pandemic when it comes to work and education has not been as ”dramatic” for me as for some of my colleagues, although we are all affected, one way or the other.. Previously, I have had students both […]

The role of platforms in online collaborative learning and how to get there

Throughout the Online Networked Learning course there were several discussions about how we should embrace collaborative learning and its benefits. This is a challenge problem by itself, which makes online collaborative learning an even tougher task to accomplish.  They say that the system, being the environment and/or the rules, creates the culture! Similarly, for online […]

The role of platforms in online collaborative learning and how to get there

Throughout the Online Networked Learning course there were several discussions about how we should embrace collaborative learning and its benefits. This is a challenge problem by itself, which makes online collaborative learning an even tougher task to accomplish.  They say that the system, being the environment and/or the rules, creates the culture! Similarly, for online […]

Teaching in a digital society

Anthony William (Tony) Bates asks in chapter two the reader to answer the following question: ”Can you justify the role of ‘teacher’ in a digital society where individuals can find all they need on the Internet and from friends or even strangers? How do you think that the role of the teacher might, could or […]