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Topic #4: The Fine Line between Creating Authenticity and Being Manipulative
In blended learning context, it is much more difficult to trace the engagement level of the students particularly you do not have any clue the feeling of the…
Support for engagement
In this post, I write about how the support a teacher may give to students is a valuable way to promote engagement in the course and contribute to collaborative learning. When I think to support, the first thing that comes to my mind is “answering to questions”. But support can be many different things and […]
Designs for Learning – an craft or science?
“robots” by jmorgan is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 My primary degree is psychology, and I recall during my undergraduate years a strong emphasis on it as a scientific discipline, with all of the accompanying rigour. The mantra that we need to ensure evidence is robust, valid, reliable, reproducible, that we are a serious discipline, …
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Topic 4 and the big battle between online and on-campus
The Topic 4, Design for online and blended learning, encountered me in my worst period regarding online learning. I have been teaching online since summer 2020 (North hemisphere) and the last two weeks have been extremely hard regarding time planning. I’m exhausted, besides my teaching duties, my research is extremely important in terms of myContinue reading “Topic 4 and the big battle between online and on-campus”
Topic 4 Teaching presence not teacher presence
Topic 4 has come to an end. For me, a few words from the Community of Inquiry theoretical framework stays in my head; teaching presence not teacher presence. It if funny to think how only a few letters can make such a big difference in terms of meaning of a word! The theory of Inquiry suggests three key elements that …
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Building trust in blended learning
In my line of work, as an e-learning designer in the corporate world, I seldom get the opportunity to teach in the more traditional context. What I do is mostly creating a product for people to learn from on their own, without the help of a teacher. I …