The last
week I have connected with my PBL group. It was really nice to meet and see who
where part of my group. I think we have a good diversity in various professions.
For the
connecting week I was the topic leader. I had to coordinate our group
presentation to share with the community. The biggest challenge for me was not
the presentation itself but to delegate assignments to my group members that I
do not know very well and to do it with such a short time frame.
Today I got the clear sign to upload our presentation. The result was a little less than 12 minutes long presentation with slides and narration. In hindsight I can see that we might have been a bit to ambitious with our presentation. Most other groups did only slides with text or shorter videos or audio.

Still it
was very nice to work with assembling the video and to get to know my group a
little bit better. I am looking forward to the next part of ONL where we get to
work with the first real topic.