En bild som visar växt, inomhus, bord Automatiskt genererad beskrivning

This week of ONL has passed and it has been fun to discover the ONL community and the world of virtual meeting and collaborative learning. We have connected both the online community and the PBL group.

My first reflection is that I was amazed but the diversity of digital tools we have been using as well as the apparent ease of use and fluidity of using digital tools: zoom, wordpress, google drive, padlet. For me it seems that I will need to learn how to juggle with all these tools.

En bild som visar växt, inomhus, bord

Automatiskt genererad beskrivning

At the same time, the last weeks experience made me reflect about the world in which we are living, where technology allows us to communicate and share knowledge across borders to transform ourselves in digital learners. If learning is like crossing a river, then it is the river of digital knowledge that I need to cross in order to transform it into my own digital literacy, in order to help today’s learners transforming the large quantity of information available into knowledge. I look forward learning more in the next weeks of the ONL course.

Connecting: Welcome to the world of digital learners!