
We are reaching the final stretch of the course and, despite so many weeks in contact with new knowledge, I feel that with each topic I have much more to learn.

As I mentioned in the initial posts, this course uses an active teaching methodology in PBL (problem based learning) format. This means that throughout the topic we guide our discussions based on a real problem and, of course, the indication of background material.

I say this because this topic has brought us a problem that we will really get through if we ever want to offer an online course applying the knowledge learned here. Particularly, I was very excited to read the scenario as these are questions that I had already started asking myself before.

The scenario is worth mentioning below:

“I have recently attended a course in online learning and it has offered many new insights regarding transformative opportunities for my own teaching. So how can I now put this into play in the activities and contexts of my own teaching while simultaneously addressing some of the challenges associated with online learning? I am keen to design my own online or blended learning course which promotes student engagement, community, collaborative learning and enables me to practice the principles of good facilitation. To convince our heads of department, I think I must formulate a convincing argument and maybe try to illustrate in a visual way what a good online or blended learning design could look like. I wonder which activity, module or course I should choose? Maybe I should involve some of the colleagues in this? ”

After reading the materials and group discussion of the above questions, I began my own reflection on my teaching practices and the possibilities of developing an online course. And that’s what I’ll talk about below briefly.

Currently, as an administrative worker in education, my teaching practice is focused on developing courses and training programs in the administrative area of ​​the university I work for. Often, online courses in this area are often quite boring as they simply structure teaching materials (.pdf articles) accompanied by traditional tests to “check” learning. There is no interaction, no discussion, no collaboration, and I dare say there is no real learning. In the end, no one qualifies and learners trade their time for a mere certificate.

The idea of ​​offering an online course using everything I’ve been learning at ONL192 makes me very excited, as I see it will be an innovative initiative with a great positive impact.

For this, I will consider using “The Five Stage Model by Gilly Salmon”, as shown below.

No more pdf and tests. There will be webinars and a lot of group discussion in search of a collaborative learning construction. I can already imagine an online leadership course with participants from different institutions. Of course, each will have different aspects to share in order to come up with a good solution to a common problem.

I think that when we bring people together and not exploit their potential just because they are learners, we are wasting the most valuable thing: human capital.

I am following my journey in this course but already full of plans for the future. I hope to return here to share the results I will have applying all I have been learning.

Until the next, and last, topic.
I see you.


Design for online and blended learning