
The word “digital” is an adjective and means a series of the numbers 1 and 0. In a digital system the value 0 could mean that the system is off or malfunction while number 1 means the opposite, the system is on or fully functional. The corona pandemic reveals now how digital we all are. And how digital literate we are! Many schools and universities worldwide decided in the last days and weeks to close their campus for physical classes and transfer their teaching online to prevent a further spread of COVID-19. Looking around me, the result of this gigantic experiment feels so far quite digital: either its 1 and the schools continue to operate nearly as normal or it is 0 and nothing works. The reasons for this outcomes are equally digital: either you have invested time and money in the necessary equipment and training to digitalis your school and literate the teachers (1) or you didn’t, which results now in excessive demands on systems and pedagogical staff (0).  

Photo by Dimitri Karastelev on Unsplash

At the present many articles can be found online which complain about how bad schools and universities are prepared for the current situation. However, I think now it’s not the time for complaints but for actions. Schools digital infrastructure must be improved fast, teachers have to be trained quickly to “survive”, and available online teaching material and resources have to be made freely accessible to teachers and students until we are back to “normal”. After the pandemic is over however, certain governments and teachers must be asked why they were not better prepared. Teachers then can’t hide anymore behind excuses such as the insufficient online infrastructures and training provided by their governments. They must take self-responsibility for their digital learning in such a way as we expect as teachers that our students take responsibility for their learning. Digital learning is lifelong learning which counts for both students and teachers. The governments on the other hand can’t anymore continue to expect that teachers shoulder the burden to improvise technologically in situations like now. Fast networks, enough computers as well as training and access to educational software and platforms must become standard and not remain an exception.  

There are countries and staff which already reached the digit 1 and which will manage the current challenges without any larger problems. The countries and teachers which are still at the digital condition 0 have now the chance to catch up. Also, if the path to reach 1 will be for them not a smooth ramp but more a steep step function under the certain conditions. But that is also a digital characteristic.

Digital, literally