The concept of the flipped classroom often includes some kind of preparation that is done before a more interactive lecture. It is important that the flipping by itself doesn’t actually add so much, as Jensen et al. highlighted in a study “that the flipped approach offers no additional benefits to student learning over a nonflipped, active-learning approach.”([Jensen, Kummer & Goody, 2015; p. 11)
For me, the flipped part must be combined with an active learning approach, and I use the flipped part to present theory and have more time for interactions, exercises and reflections in the classroom. When I implemented the flipped approach, I understood that it was many students that actually did not watch the video before the interactive lecture.
But as a teacher, how do you know if the students actually look at the video?
And how can you make your videos more interactive?
Both are possible using a combination of Kaltura and a compatible Learning Management System (LMS). In Kaltura, there is a possibility to enhance the video by embedding questions directly into the video.
“Through its easy-to-use interface, the Kaltura Video Editing Tools Quiz Creator can seamlessly embed multiple choice questions at any point in a video. As users watch the video, each question appears at its chosen point; the video continues after the user answers the question. Flexible settings allow quiz creators to choose whether to allow users to repeat sections, skip questions, revise answers, receive hints, and discover the correct answers. Practically, VQ increases engagement, tests knowledge and retention, and gathers media effectiveness data.” (Kaltura Knowledge center, 2022)
I have implemented this in several courses and here I will use an example from a Creative Concept development course (Törlind 2019) where I used a flipped approach in one lecture where most of the theory presented in the video (should be viewed before the lecture) and then the actual lecture includes reflection on theory, a observation walk around campus, an hands-on exercise and finally a reflection in the classroom. The instructions in the LMS before the lecture is available below:
Creating the interactions
Reporting and getting feedback
If the Video is published in the LMS (in our case, Canvas), results are connected to the individual users so you can get reports and analytics from the video. The analytics include viewers, completion rate, activity etc. It also includes detailed information on each user’s answers.
By using this data, I can easily look through the data before the interactive lecture, how many skipped the video and if there was a certain part that several persons had problems with etc.
It is also possible to add the video as an assignment, and then the points will be reported in Canvas. But I prefer not to use it because I use it to recieve feedback, not to assess students.
J. L. Jensen, T. A. Kummer and P. Godoy, (2015) “Improvements from a flipped classroom may simply be the fruits of active learning,” CBE—Life Sciences Education, vol. 14, no. 1.