This week the Online Networked Learning Course ONL181 has started an so I am reactivating this blog. It has been a while since I have posted something here and I have to say it looks quite bleak. I will have to work on this (well, that is what I said to myself the last time…).

I believe writing a blog on a regular basis is an excellent way to reflect on thoughts and learnings not only during a course such as ONL181 but in a more general, life long learning way. And of course it is also a great tool to discuss these thoughts and learnings with other intrested people and get input from them – like this quotation I came upon in a post of fellow ONLer Ida Burgeuete Holmgren:

“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” (Mahatma Gandhi)

Right now I am enjoing the last day of vacation in beautiful Italy, but I am already looking forward to really starting with ONL next week.






Fresh start with a nice view