Hello Everyone. My name is Jamie Murugan and I am happy to finally be a blogger! I am a cooperative education manager at Educor Holdings. I have included a FAQ section to help you get to know me better

Favourite Colour: Blue

Favourite Pet: Dogs…All dogs

Current Role: I am responsible for the experiential learning (PBL, PJBL, WPL and WDTL) for students across the Educor group. I am also an educational consultant.

Academic Aspirations: I have recently completed my postgradute diploma in educational management, submitted an article titled “Emotional intelligence as a tool for academic leadership” for publication (fingers crossed!). I lecture Business Management on a part time basis. I will purse my Masters in 2020.

Reason for Joining the ONL course: I heard about this course from a colleague, it seemed amazing and it is something I would like to experience to add a new dimension to my teaching and learning skillset.

Getting to know Jamie !!