It’s been an adventure for me at Open Networked Learning (ONL231)!

This is my first time writing a public blog and I’m still getting used to writing reflections. This post in itself, is an opportunity for me to develop my own digital literacy as a lifelong learner. Having attended a few online/blended courses the past few months and now ONL, the first-hand experiences embody my knowledge of how students today can learn effectively online.

Topic 1: Online participation & digital literacies

How can teachers develop digital literacy in the classroom?

“Technology will not replace great teachers but technology in the hands of great teachers can be transformational.” – George Couros

meaning: to identify and acknowledge its existence

Teachers need to recognise that we cannot disconnect teaching from our fast-changing digital world. Students today learn in different ways.

  • It starts with the teachers’ mindset change and openness to try new digital tools based on your pedagogical approaches.
  • Maintain a positive attitude towards the use of technologies, as it rubs-off on the students! Be hands-on.
  • When designing the course, it is important to thoughtfully and deliberately incorporate technology into every part of the instruction.
  • Change your role to be a facilitator, providing a safe and fun space for students to collaborate with digital tools and to express creativity.
  • Explore the types of tools and media that can best present your subject matters’ contents and for assessments. (see examples below)
  • Seek assistance from colleagues for support and training where needed. There are resources out there to tap on! This in turn can offer assurance to the students who needs some troubleshooting along the way in your course.

Students should recognise the need to develop their digital skills in this 21st century, just like any language.

  • For successful implementation, share your approach with the students at the start of the course for buy-in. It is critical that they are on board and understand the intentions and benefits.
  • Help your students recognise that these processes equip them to be lifelong learners, especially how to navigate in the online space, whether as a visitor or resident. Learning doesn’t stop when you graduate from college or university and online learning is prevalent in the workplace. 

Some practical examples for teachers

For Instead of.. Try this..
Checking understanding of contents in a pre-recorded video MCQ quizzes Post or reply on the discussion forum or Teams channel
(Student think critically; create contents instead of consume contents)
Creating a resume for your potential employer Written assignment Produce a short video to introduce yourself and your skills
(Students can choose their own recording and editing software)
Sharing a research topic Essay or PPT presentation Create a podcast and embed in a blog
(Example by A/P Chris McMorran, NUS)
Presenting the solution to a case study Essay or PPT presentation Create a series of cartoons or memes
(Students can choose their own recording and editing software)

As a start, don’t attempt all at the same time! Just choose 1 or 2 components to test it out.

With more awareness and openness, you will realise that it’s not such an onerous task after all! Leveraging on the affordances of technology can greatly deepen the students’ learning experience.


Cleveland-Innes, M. and Wilton, D (2018). Guide to Blended Learning, p. 5,

Garcia, A. (2022). Unpacking Digital Citizenship and Digital Literacy for Student Learning. SingTeach, Issue 82 Sep 2022. 

How can teachers develop digital literacy in the classroom?