HI! I am a sweedish- speaking Finn from Porvoo Finland. Porvoo is located approximately 50km east from Helsinki. A small town (50 000 people living in Porvoo) with a beautiful archipelago. I’m working as a part-time teacher in nursing at Arcada University of applied scienses in Helsinki Finland. I’m also studying my masters degree in Advanced clinical care at Arcada, so this course will also work as my elective course in my masters studies. My masters studies are all online since last fall, so i have a little experience of what working online in groups is like. I have a background as a nurse anesthetist. I have two small girls at home (2 years and a soon to be 4 years old) who take the most of me time in addition to work and studies. I also do yoga and walking with my dog ( 8 year old coton de tulèar). Looking forward to participate in this ONL192 course!