Hi to all participating in ONL202

My name is Tamara Kenny and I am based in Durban, South Africa. I am the Dean of Institutional Planning and Quality Assurance at an organisation called Educor, which owns a number of higher and further education institutions around South Africa. I have recently moved to Durban with my child and partner, from Cape Town, where I worked at the University of Cape Town.

Professionally, I have worked higher education for over 20 years, starting my career as a lecturer and traversing the higher education landscape to find myself up in administration and quality assurance. I also spent almost 9 years working at the South African Council on Higher Education, providing quality assurance advice, development and assessing compliance for the higher education institutions in the country. 

My personal interest for the past decade has been the manner in which shifts in modality of delivery, specifically toward integrating more online and blended elements into the curriculum will impact the quality of the teaching and learning experience for both the student and the staff member. In this regard, I look forward to exploring these issues in the weeks to come.
