
#ONL201- Topic 5

Joining ONL201 is one of the best decisions I have taken in the recent past. It is not often that such an opportunity comes along, and time could not have been more appropriate. 

I had a great learning time with my PBL group12. Regular Group discussions helped me survive the course. I would have been lost without the group. The discussions were always productive, and had an action item list at the end. Having a collaborative learning contract at the beginning helped in setting up expectations and knowing that all are aware of their responsibilities.  Our group was good with keeping up with their respective roles. There were accommodations and mutual respect for everyone, and there were contributions by everyone as well. I learnt most through group discussions. Scenarios and FISH document helped me keep the focus. My prior experience of Open and blended learning help me connect better with topics but i had to relearn many of the concepts. I also got exposed to many tools and readings. I could not exploit the opportunity to explore tools and readings fully but I intend to spend some time in near future to read and experiment more. 

I could not connect to ILOs early in the course, and it took me a while. But ILOs are well designed and guided me when I was writing my blogs.  I should have visited ILOs before PBL group discussions. It would have helped me stay totally aligned . Discussions otherwise covered the broad areas very well. We also had excellent guidance from Facilitators. They were always there to give a listening ear, to hold our hands and mentor us when we faced dilemmas. Diverse perspectives in the group helped.

It was a struggle to keep up with the process in the beginning. For me, it was late at night for the PBL group discussions due to different time zone and I would invariably be very tired after my work at evening classes.  The process was more manageable in the second half. The two week per topic schedule is fine though. FISH document and scenarios helped in keeping the focus. FISH document was less used towards the last two topics especially for the Inquiry component. 

I believe my self-regulation ability is slightly improved by the end of this course. I see improvement in my attitude towards my own tasks, my commitments,  accepting inputs from a diverse community and contributing to a group. One of the objectives I had when I started the course, was to further extend my own reading around the principles of teaching in this digital age. In doing so, during the course, emerged two elements for me: one on assessment of learners in an online learning space and the other around the learning activities in an online learning space. I shall be extending my readings in these two areas.

As the course came to a close,  I am reminded of a bollywood song  ‘Aazaadiyan ‘  It has inspiring lyrics – the feeling I had throughout the ONL201, a very soothing tune – the feeling I had at the end of the ONL201, and it evokes emotions – it tells me to try new things, and that no-one else but me can stop myself. Its time for me assimilate the fresh learning and extend it  and I feel prepared 🙂

Lessons Learnt – Future Practice