My bio:
I am a project researcher in humanitarian logistics and supply chain management. Since 2019, I moved to Finland to experience a new life and an academic career. Currently, I am doing research and have some teaching duties at #HUMLOG Institue, #Hanken School of Economics. Previsouly, I was postdcotoral researcher at University of Tehran and I have several years of living and studying experiences based in Southeast Asian countries.
I will write here most likely in English. But, #Persian is my native languge, and have some knowledge about #Arabic and #Spanish languages. More recently, I have also started to learn #Swedish
The current issue:
I’d always like to learn many new things. Thats why I do like to connect with people from different background living in different places in the world. More recently, due to COVID-19 outbreak, we have had to isolate ourselves to work remotely. Digitalization has helped us to stay tuned and connected with the network of people. I have joined #ONL202 since late September 2020. Most likely, I will post here in this blog my peronsal views and thoughts based on the topics dicussed in our group @PBL07.

#Topic 1 – Online participation and digital literacies;
It was a very good first impression, as I met nine new people based in Sweden, South Africa, Ireland, Finland and Brazil. New experience of using Fish scenario template was awesome. I like the idea of cyrcle for sharing ideas. The result was amazing as we sang a song using Beatles song, but changed to our own words on how to be #digitial and #cool in this moments…..

#Topic 2 – Sharing and openness;
There is always pros and cons for openness. Some says its good for knowlege sharing, while some argue the risk of being open. Anywhay, we have had a debate on this during the sessions, Red and Yellow and the battlefield waas described, recorded and shares as an outcome

#Topic 3 – Learning in Communities
I realized we do learn in our small communities; it could be a school, friends gathering, family, sport club, or etc. The matter is how collaboratively we can work together to make this happen. I had a chance to lead this topic together with Amanda. That was quite fun and new experience as the leader of the sessions. Finally, we came out with the idea of #pass-the-paper-challenge, but with the sticker notes. We have made a very creative video that it contains a fun video of members sharing their thoughts on how we can build up our collaborative learning in online platforms.

#Topic 4 – Design for online and blended learning
This session is led by two creative persons with their innovative ideas. We have started on sharing ideas using #dots in #Miro platform as it was my first try. Our faces was funny as we didnt know how to work with it at the begining. The idea of ocean thinking, blue ocean strategy , passing the ocean came to the minds. Finally, we could each draw a picture of showing passing the ups and down in the ocean of education, in order to research goals, and thats the engagement with the students for online classes. This creative picture has been made by our group leaders.

Topic 5 – Lessons learnt and future practice
I am so happy to be part of this community. I am sad that ONL202 has ended. I had this chance to learn many new things from this community. Some are:
- I learnt how to communicate with others in a better digital world.
- I learnt how to respect others thoughts
- I learnt how to use different online tools such as padelt, miro, jamboard, whiteboard, memes, and others.
- I learnt how to sing a song for the first time.
- I made and created a video for the first time.
- We have shared and enjoyed together with happiness.
- We will keep this community forever
- I learn how to make my blog, and surely I will keep posting…..