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Image result for lesson learnt

When I started the ONL course it was with mixed emotions, because I did not know what to expect from the course and neither did I know what was expected from me. I felt a bit overwhelmed as I was now moving out of my comfort zone and being introduced to all these new digital platforms that was at first very daunting. As I crossed my first hurdle which was topic one I felt more confident and from there on it was so much easier and I felt confident enough to try out the different platforms that was given to us.

I also felt that working in groups helped us overcome our fears and we were able to tackle the “challenges” that were put forward. Group work takes away the fear of being alone it feels as though you are being taken by the hand guided through the process by team members and the facilitators.

ONL 192 was a wonderful journey from which I gained the knowledge and the confidence to continue using the different platforms in my career.

My experience with ONL 192