This reflection marks the end of ONL 192 journey. I can point out three important key issues Things I struggled with during the course, lesson learnt and future practices
Time is one of the struggle among things that I really struggled to beat. I have to plan and replan for me to be able to achieve what was needed of the course, the course is intensive and extensive, had to fix my timetable, I was supposed to attend meeting, I have to read blogs, I have to read articles for me to understand topics and have inputs to to the group. Sometimes tasks were assigned on individual basis, so I had to make sure I complete it so that I dont lets down mu team.
There were so many new tool I had to make sure I familiarize myself with them in order to approach the topic, make presentations, brainstorm the course and sharing to the larger community.
The course take time and energy, happy that was able to go until the end, Along the way I was able to conquer a lot of skills, knowledge and wider attributes such as the effective deployment of various online collaborative tools such as Padlet, Zoom, Coggle, Prezi, Slack, among others in learning and teaching.
Tools for collaborative learning deserves special attention for effective networked online and collaborative learning.
I also learned about the importance of testing new tools to for every topic, but relevant one. We should not sound monotonous through the courses, I learned about effective design and implementation of online and blended course, values of open course to student, teachers, and society at large, how to access open educational Resources, effective engagement of students in a learning process
Other thing learned apart from the course content is, taking initiative in collaborative learning, proper communication(we used wattsap group as a way of maintaining communication on timely basis), caring, taking away shame and shyness, respecting each ones idea, using bogs as a way of sharing our thoughts and reflections on topics, openness and trust to each other, and many others
The expedition for ONL 192 was so interesting and joyous. It was characterized by worldwide participants with brilliant experience. I have many skills to take with me towards effective teaching and learning at my institution.