Just as I am writing this blogpost I am attending the 31st Annual EAIE Conference in Helsinki, Finnland.

The title of this year`s event is “encompassing all voices” and this was also what the Opening Plenary was about. We are more than 6000 people attending the Conference and the key note speaker, Simon Anholt, implored us to work together in rethinking our approach to this “age of the long challenge”, as he called it. And, most importantly, to endeavour to translate our shared values into concrete actions.

So, isn`t exactly this what education is about? About putting good intentions into practice? About talking to each other, about determining what virtues we want to elevate among the younger generations (today`s youth), about how to be able to instil these virtues into them, while educating them to be change agents?

And maybe exactly this is, what it is all about. Let us, people working in universities all around the world, talk to each other about ways to achieving change, or a culture shift.

#eaie2019 #goodgeneration #onl192
