Now it’s time to start a new iteration of the course! A warm welcome to all the new participants and team members and we hope you all are ready for a collaborative learning journey.
The first week of the course is called Getting started and that is what it is all about – getting familiar with the course site, the community and the tools. If you belong to one of the partner institution you will be invited to a meeting with your colleagues this week and for open learners there will also be an online introduction meeting.
Here are the most important things to do during this week:
- familiarize yourself with the learning spaces and tools for the ONL course.
- make your first contribution to the ONL221 community.
- familiarize yourself with how to use Google Drive for collaborative writing.
- start your own blog for individual reflection on the course topics and connect it to the course homepage.
At the end of this week you’ll find out which study group (PBL group) you will belong to and next week it is all about connecting!