On February 25 2020 I met with a group of fellow teachers on campus at Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm to start the ONL course and on May 8 2020 I met for the last time with my PBL group online on Zoom. At the campus meeting in February I did not know that only two weeks later I would be for the last time on campus for a very long time. The rest of my teaching and other educational activities have been online since then. Attending a course in Open Networked Learning could not be timelier. But although the content of the course was timely, it has still been a challenge to manage the course at the same time with all new tasks due to the covid-19 crisis.

During this exceptional spring my knowledge, skills and experience in online teaching has increased at a level I would never have expected. This is mainly brought about by the sudden transition to online teaching but supported by the knowledge and experience from the ONL course. ONL has given me the theoretical framework for online learning such as how students’ digital literacy can be a stepping stone for their online participation, why open learning should form the basis for all university teaching, why a community of practice will support both students and teachers and challenges to find the right balance between campus and online teaching.

However, my most valuable learning from the ONL course is the student perspective. Attending an online course as a student has given me new insight in the challenges our students face related to group assignments, work sharing and time management, but also all the rewards from fruitful collaborative learning and enjoyable online networking.

I will continue to learn from the ONL course and look forward to find some time for reading more of the interesting material provided during the course. I will also continue to try out the tools that we have explored together. Already I have used Padlet for an online poster exhibition for our graduating students, but look forward to find additional use of Padlet, Slack, Prezi and Coggle.  ONL will also be very useful for my future activities related to online teaching. These include a one-week on-line professional education course in October 2020, that will be redesigned from a campus course to a synchronous online course. I am also involved in designing online material for short professional education courses including recorded lectures and quizzes, and building an online global community for trainers in my field that includes a web platform and interactive online webinars. Online learning will keep me busy from now on.

Online from now on